Sunday, May 28, 2006

Sometimes I am just blown away

Like this moment; I was about to post a story I wrote the other day and I opened my daily devotional book to get some "guideance" and this was where it opened.

"I have written your name on my hand. Isaiah 49:16"

Ok, this is so amazing because for the past few months the name "Sea-ah-na" has been rolling around in my head and I can't seem to figure it out. We have chosen the name Jaiden Riley Katheleen for our daughter from China; we are also hoping and praying for her twin sister and the name Chloe has been tossed around but hasn't really stuck yet. Well the name Ceana meaning God is gracious is written (amongst dozens others)in my journal from way back at the beginning of our journey to adopt when I was just writing names at random. Since the name just won't get out of my head I went online to try to do more research on it and this time I couldn't find it. I do not know where I found the original spelling or the meaning??? I did a random internet site and came up with some interesting abbreviations for things. I tried spelling it Cianna...same thing. Then I tried Cyanna and this is what I found:

I was touched beyond words when I read this story. It is so amazing how ever since I had the dream which twins were conceived in my heart, I have been given so many leads towards storys of twins. I still don't quite comprehend the plan God has in store for us. This is so far above our realm of insight. What does this mean? Why am I always being led to twins? We have applied for twins and are hoping and praying we get a referral for twins but is there something more? Will our story be something truly amazing such as this one??? I've wondered so many times over these months just what I would feel after all this time of loving my girls and praying for them and then being matched with only one. After reading this story I am more confident than ever that God's plan is going to bring us together no matter what. I never doubted that He could - but I don't know why He would do such an amazing thing such as this for us. It's hard to grasp the realization that He loves us that deeply and would literally move heaven and earth to bring our children home to where they belong. Wow, my babies have a name! And it's written on the palm of God's hands. How awesome is that!

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