After cleaning the kitchen, hubs and I loaded up the kiddos and headed off to Menards for some paint to finish the new windows hubs had to install on the north side of our house. The first stop was of course Arby's for lunch. 3 little piggies had roast beef and one little piggi had ham. Numms all around. Then we headed off to the hardware store and got sucked into the Christmas village right helped that there was a little kiddy play area there so we crawled through the little houses for about half and hour. I love this model of Step 2 house that looks like a gingerbread house. It is so adorable! The fireplace kicks down and makes an "escape hatch" and it has all these neat little built in shelves and a tiny little sink...I can see hours of fun in one of those. Santa, I've been a very good girl this year...
We ran into some friends while walking through the Christmas ornaments so we headed back to the kids zone so we could talk without the kids causing too much chaos and destruction. We'd just seen this same friend last night when hubs and I went on a "date" to the Blue Moose for dinner and then walked over to Cabelas to get Cody some batteries for his Xbox controller. We hadn't seen them in months and then suddenly we see them twice in just hours? How weird is that? We don't socialize much so this was a nice surprise indeed.
We followed that up with haircuts for the guys while Jbabe and I just hung out in the sunshine, sitting in the car. Me reading a book, Jaiden playing with her blocks. It was very refreshing.
Tonight I am catching up a bit on my blog and email and the guys are watching Boston kick the Rockies out of the playoffs. Colorado is struggling yet not putting up much of a fight. The Red Sox are coming out with their game on and there is no stopping such a force once the momentum gets going.