Thursday, August 30, 2007

White Bread America

I will eventually catch up on my writing...hopefully before my brain dumps it all into the black hole of mental space. We had a really great vacation that seemed longer than just 3 days. We did a lot; the zoo, the waterpark (twice), the State Fair, and the Mall. We had a great time and we're all a bit exhausted still since it was non stop go, go, go for those 3 days. I will try to put together a video soon as I can.

I was even able to stay pretty on track on my newest diet. I've realized that my sedentary lifestyle and living in the North is a bad combination. I don't get ANY excercise and my thighs are exploding. I've gained a lot of weight in the last couple of months and finally when I couldn't hardly fit into my stretch jeans decided that maybe I needed to cut back on the daily routine of soda and a candy bar for every meal. I divulge in the office snack bar a bit too much it seems. I've made a pact with myself to get into a healthier routine. So far I am drinking a lot more water and no soda, and eating more fruit and less chocolate. The result...I've been totally bloated, and the last two days I've been exhausted and moody. Urgh! Besides that, I am always hungry...even when I am in the process of eating. Even when my stomach is FULL, I feel hungry. I just want a gigantic slab of chocolate cake and a tall glass of ice cold milk. Anyone got a recipe for a no calorie version?

It seems everywhere we go, everything GOOD to eat is full of fat and sugar. We went to the supermarket last night for some fish, veggies and yogurt. Healthy food is not cheap. On top of that, we had to go home and COOK it! No driveby the fast food junkies to get something quick anymore, we have to stick to this. Now why don't they make high fiber nutritional foods that are tasty and quick, affordable and readily available???

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