That is what my computer said when I tried booting it up this morning and I that is pretty much my sentiments exactly. Today it is so COLD. We are wearing our winter sweats and cuddling under blankets to keep from lighting a fire. The one month of summer was pretty extreme but it was nice while it lasted. It went from being cold in June, HOT in Jul, to chilly and rainy in Aug! Great weather!!!! NOT :P I am ready for a REAL summer that lasts and lasts. The one hot month with no air conditioning is not what summer is all about.
I miss:
Summer showers and skipping through puddles
Ice cream every day
watching water bead up on a glass of ice cold sweet tea
the taste of ice cold sweet tea on a hot sultry afternoon
crickets chirping, toads croaking
walking barefoot
sitting in a sunbeam and letting the warmth of the sun melt away my worries
and oh so much more....the dark gloomy weather is giving me a migraine so I can't blog very long today. Hope that you are having a happy sunshine day where ever you may be! :)
What are YOUR favorite summertime activities/memories??? Please do tell!
*On a more positive note - Sarah just arrived for a one week visit!!! Our first family to visit us in our new home :) Yay!!!!