Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Cody is home!!!

Cody came home yesterday!!! It is so good to have him back home again. The house just felt an eerie emptyness without him here. He is recouperating well and should maybe be able to return to school tomorrow? We'll see how he's doing after seeing the mass amount of homework he has to catch up on! ;)

Not alot going on around here. Fall has come and the leaves are changing. Not as vibrant this year as the first year we were here, this year they are more like an orangey brown and some muted yellows. Ah well, it's our last fall in Germany! :)

Jared keeps asking "Is it winter yet?" "What day is winter?" "How many more minutes till winter?" UGH! He's his father's son when he does things like that! We got him some new snow pants this weekend while in Trier so now he is ready to go!

The temps are supposed to be dropped into the 40s by the end of the week so he may get his wish soon. I hope there is lots of snow this year - We live on a hill so snow would mean no getting out or in - we could stay home, sip cocoa, build a fire and cuddle under blankets and read all day (that's how I like to spend winter)


Anonymous said...

hi there..just stoppin by...happy halloween, mom!

rgshrs said...

so glad that Cody is home and doing well!! Just wanted to stop by and say "hi" :)

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that Cody is home! And here is wishing you get snowed in soon! (So you can can snuggle up by the fire and sip that cocoa!)