Thursday, May 25, 2006

Unexpected Blessings

Today is a German Holiday...we were not aware of this until we got to Jared's school and the doors were locked...uh oh! What now? I have pile of work to catch up on today in order to take tommorrow (Family Day) off and prepare for the big weekend. I will be in a computer class for the next two weeks and doing Reserve time for two weeks after that...I really needed to go to work today. We get to work (Jared and I) and I keep him entertained with stamping and writing his name for a total of about 5 minutes...and he's begging me to go get his lunchbox from the car cause he's starving...then in walks WASP (one of our pilots) and says he is about to give a tour of the jet to a buch of 5 year olds from the CDC - why don't we join him? That is too cool! Jared has never seen the F-16 up close and personal before. So off we go for an awesome tour of the jet and a nice visit with Jared's old classmates - and they all still remembered him! They were wondering where he's been...? So I talk to the teacher and she tells me there is a drop in slot available if he'd like to come play with them... but I took him in and they no longer had his file on record - in order for him to stay he would have to have his shot record RATS! So I go get him out of the class where he's already made himself comfy in the circle time with his friends. I go back to work and ask for today off instead of tommorrow and my boss says "he's welcome to stay here" and I say "oh no, I won't get much work done - I'll just come back tommorrow instead" so here we are home sweet home after an adventurous morning. It's going to be a rainy, rainy week and weekend - and yes, it's still cold but there are blessings everywhere and I am very thankful for each and every one.

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