Wednesday, June 14, 2006

So many boxes...but without any presents

Box cutter...check Pen...check rip rip rip paperwork paperwork check...Boxes and boxes are off loaded from the trucks...and boxes and boxes are opened and their contents identified...this process is now my days as I am doing my stint of AF Reserve duty in the Recieving section of Supply. It is rather exciting at first but gets rather monotonous after a while. After a while the fun of opening a box to see what's inside just loses some of it's luster...

ooooh....! but I got a box in the mail yesterday that will not lose it's luster for a long long time!....I ordered a baby doll for Ceanna (finally found "the one") and it is adorable!!!! Her sweet little face is all lit up in a smile and her hair and body were so soft and warm...could be from baking in the car all afternoon, but her smell and warmth brought a comfort and happiness to me that I've not had in a long time.

Yes, I will get a photo on here but for now I am off to bed. Got a long day of box cutting ahead of me tommorrow :)

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