Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Why do I talk to myself...

I wonder why I do this blog thing. I don't know....oh ok maybe because I love to write. But I also LOVE to hear from my friends and family but there doesn't seem to be anyone out there who cares about writing in response to what I post. No comments or even a quick email...I'm totally alone in cyberspace. Hellooooo out there - is anyone listening????


Elle said...

Congrats on passing the test. The trick to gaining readers is to 1. comment on other blogs and 2. Link other blogs on your side bar.

It does take some time to gain readership. This has been a constant struggle for me. I have anywhere from 150-200 hits a day, but maybe 10-15 comments on a post. low low percentage, but I try to comment on lots of people's blogs. If you post and comment they will come.

Mama Melissa said...

Hi. I just found your blog! :) I don't always get comments either...

I'm adopting a little girl from China, as a single parent.

LID 10/31/05