Monday, April 23, 2007

Book Review

I finished reading "Sullivan's Woman" around 10 pm last night. It was a very fast read considering I picked it up just that morning and did not spend the day reading - just caught a moment here and there. Nora is great for creating a world where you are captivated and swept away and this is what I thought of this scenerio:

A young beautiful girl with gold and brown hair (very similar to my own) is down on her luck and taking a walk on Fisherman's Wharf when suddenly out of the blue a very handsome stranger appears out of the fog demanding that she be model that is. He's an artist and wants to paint her intriguing face.

Turns out that, much to her surprise, he is a super famous and very rich world reknown artist that is also a bit of a playboy. They don't talk much, he makes her talk to him while she poses in a dress - which has it's own story behind it - all the while becoming "The Dream"

*It was a good read and a perfect mind fantasy but not much realism there. This guy was too perfect and did everything he should have - how could one not fall in love with that?

I guess I'm just a bit of a skeptic. My husband returned yesterday afternoon after being gone for two days in a grumbly mood. I took the kids out to play in the backyard while he took a quick nap and we ordered pizza for dinner. Where's the romance in that? Now we are back to another week of the same same old as usual. I love my husband very much don't get me wrong, but sometimes it would be nice to have him sweep me off my feet...

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