Saturday, July 01, 2006

30 lbs in 30 days

I have never been one to do anytime small and well it just occured to me that I have become a bit "plump" and these months of stress eating (cookies and icecream) for dinner hasn't helped. Soooo I am pledging to give it my all to lose the excess weight and become a healthier me. This is OUR MONTH so that should motivate me on to this goal. I know it will be extremely difficult *I HATE to exercise! But here I go....I actually started a (pre-diet) on Monday to see if I could live without candy and cokes before I committed myself to a month long sugar fast.

1 comment:

Suz said...

Kim, I applaud you for your new resolve to lose weight this month!

I will be anxiously watching your blog to see if you get your referral soon! I hope so!

I've enjoyed reading your blog, my sister was "made in Germany" when my parents were there as my dad was stationed there in the army. That was eons ago, though!

Wishing you lots of luck on both fronts, weight loss and referral news!