As you quietly read these words, a whirl of activity is taking place in every cell of your body. Every second, unseen, unnoticed, millions of new cells are reborn in your body’s ceaseless program of self-generation. Since cells are the bricks and mortar from which all living tissue and organs are made, to understand degenerative and metabolic disease you must become familiar with the miniature world of the cell and how they are able to perform baffling chemical transformations producing infinitely complex proteins, vitamins, hormones, neurotransmitters, growth factors, enzymes and metabolic energy called ATP.
A healthy body is determined by the health of each of its single cells. All disease originates at the cellular level and not at the organ or system level. Healthy cells create healthy tissues. Healthy tissues create healthy organs like the heart and lungs. Healthy organs create healthy systems like the endocrine system or the immune system and healthy systems make up a healthy body.
In the complex world of 75 trillion cells that make up your nation body, you are the President (the brain) that delegates the police force that protects and shields the cellular citizens from attack by foreign enemies; the cellular citizen’s work performance, transportation system, medical care, communication, food and water, and methods of toxic waste and trash removal. With your guidance and direction, the nation body will provide all the necessities for proper functioning as a whole. Your cell citizens come in all shapes, sizes and performance capabilities that manufacture an infinite variety of job tasks. Some reside in large cities that are your organs; others prefer to live in the outskirts in small towns away from the traffic - your fingernails for instance. But no matter where they reside, each cellular citizen has a purpose, an important duty for the good of the nation — your body.
So if the health of the cell is the answer, what constitutes a healthy cell? What you eat, drink, breathe and bathe in will either nourish the 75 trillion cells with oxygen, water, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, essential fatty acids (EFAs), glucose and amino acids, or contaminate the cells by the slow poisoning of the bloodstream. You see, what you breathe, whether oxygen or environmental contaminants ends up in the bloodstream. What you eat, whether living organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, legumes and seeds or refined, processed, foodless foods and toxic sugar laden drinks end up after digestion in the bloodstream The bloodstream is a flowing river to all the cells for nourishment and removal of acidic waste residues. So, is your bloodstream a river of life or a river of death and disease? For the Life of the flesh is in the blood..." (Lev. 17:11)
Cells are multifaceted. Some are like miniature electrical generators like a lithium battery. They all respire like a lung to bring in intelligent nutrients and remove toxic waste products. Cells are also manufactunng plants that synthesize hormones, neurotransmitters, proteins and life force. These cellular engines also communicate like a wireless fiber-optic network 24 hours a day. Our finite minds couldn’t possibly fathom or consciously control the extraordinary complex tasks of manufacturing, storage, repair, communication, transportation, police, waste disposal, administration, food production, temperature control and pH balancing that goes on in our body daily to the normally metabolized acids from body tissues and maintain health and vitality.
A picture metaphor of how the cells communicate would be to envision all six billion people on this planet picking up a wireless phone simultaneously and having a phone conversation. Now picture everyone clicking three-way and having a three-way conversation. Then picture everyone in the world clicking on conference call with total conversation capability of 1,000 different people simultaneously. The question is, does your cell phone have good reception to transmit and receive messages. Your intestinal cell phone talks to the skin. Your spleen cell phone talks to the thymus. Your heart cell phone talks to the liver. All organs and systems work in unison. No organ or system works alone, just as no nutrient works alone. So what is the regulatory authority that controls cell processes? The answer is pH.
The pH of your tissues and body fluids affects the state of your health or inner cleanliness or filth. The closer the pH is to 7.35 - 7.45, the higher you’re level of health and well being and your ability to resist states of disease and the onset of symptomologies.
The pH scale is like a thermometer showing increases and decreases in the acid and alkaline content of these fluids. Deviations above or below a 7.35 -7.45 pH range in the blood can signal potentially serious and dangerous symptoms or states of disease. When the body can no longer effectively neutralize and eliminate the acids it relocates them within the body’s extra-cellular fluids and connective tissue cells directly compromising cellular integrity.
Indeed the entire metabolic process depends on a balanced pH. As more acid wastes back up, and the body slowly stews in its poisonous wastes, a chronically over acidic body pH corrodes body tissue, slowly eating into the 60,000 miles of our veins and arteries like acid eating into marble. This is what science calls hemorrhage. If left unchecked, it will interrupt all cellular activities and functions from the beating of your heart to the neuro firing of your brain. Over acidification interferes with life itself, leading to all sickness and “dis-ease.” Fundamentally, all regulatory mechanisms, including breathing, ingestion, circulation, hormone production, neurotransmitter release, etc., serve the purpose of balancing pH by removing cells. When you eat food, it ferments, just the way a banana on your counter ferments from a green, to yellow, to brown, to black. The banana rots from the inside out, not from the outside in. That is why humans can look healthy from the outside but are rotting and decaying from the inside.
This is what the medical community refers to as degenerative disease. These morbid microforms produce potent acidic by-products, which further compromise pH and create disruption in the body’s biosystem. This process can involve further morbidity through bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold with subsequent serious life-threatening symptomologies. I would say that disease comes from the inside out and that the terrain or environment of the body is the catalyst for the development and progression of all disease. This does not preclude the contributing factors from external circumstances such as trauma, airborne microforms, air pollution, radiation, chemicals and drugs. These all provide negative acidic impressions but “dis-ease” arises within the cell in response to these impressions.
Sink Or Swim
Think of your body as a fish tank. Imagine the importance of maintaining the integrity of the internal fluids of the body that we swim in daily. Imagine the fish in this tank are your cells and organ systems bathing in the fluids, which transport food and remove waste. Now imagine I back up my car and put the tailpipe up against the air intake filter supplying oxygen to the water in the tank. The water becomes filled with carbon monoxide lowering the pH, creating and acidic environment and threatening the health of the (fish), (your cells and organs). What if! throw in too much food or the wrong kind of food and the fish are unable to consume or digest it all and the food starts to decompose and putrefy? Toxic waste chemicals build up as the food breaks down, creating more acidic by-products, altering the optimal pH. This is a small example of what we are doing to our internal fluids daily, some of us more than others. We are polluting our internal fluids with acidic toxins like nicotine, drugs, excessive intake of acid forming foods, acidic beverages and social drugs such as coffee, carbonated beverages and alcohol, which all compromise the delicate balance of pH that maintains homeostasis. Some of us have fish tanks (bodies) that are barely able to support life, yet
we somehow manage to struggle from day to day manifesting severe imbalances until there is the inevitable crash and debilitating chronic, disturbing, and diseased symptomology to deal with a life-threatening illness in a hospital somewhere.
7 Bodily Responses That Fight To Maintain pH
All metabolic processes, including immunity, depend on a delicately balanced pH, which harmonizes electromagnetic energies. The body constantly fights to maintain a blood pH at around 7.35 -7.45 much like our internal thermostat that tries to maintain a 98.6-degree body temperature. There are seven homeostatic adaptation responses that fight to maintain this pH balance.
1) Using high pH bodily fluids such as water as a solvent to neutralize acid residues.
2) Pulling bicarbonate from the pancreas into the blood (an alkalizing agent). Bicarbonate ions are generated into the blood cells from carbon dioxide and diffuse into the plasma.
3) Protein buffers of glutathione, methionine, cystine, taurine, just to name a few, act as buffers intra-cellularly to bind or neutralize acids during cellular disorganization.
4.) Electrolyte buffers of sodium, calcium and potassium work in the blood, lymph, and extra-cellular and intracellular fluids to bind acids, which are then removed through the urine.
5.) Pulling stored calcium and magnesium from skeletal bones and teeth to neutralize blood acids.
6.) Filtration and elimination of acidic residues through the skin, urinary tract and respiration.
7.) Pushing blood acid residues and accumulated toxins into outer extremities as a storage bin away from vital organs. The wrist, joints, fingers, toes and skin are the major target areas to keep the toxins from saturating internal vital organs like the heart and lungs.
When all seven-protection phases are overwhelmed, the end result is accumulated acid residues at the cellular level, which drown out oxygen. With this acidic, low oxygen terrain, the microzyma’s (small ferments) trigger morbid microbe infiltration of fungus, molds and parasites, cancer cells, etc., where they seek the diseased acid terrain as food. (Editor's note: The term "microzyma" was created by Antoine Bechamp. These are small living components of cells and are described more fully later in this article ).
As these organisms feed, they produce waste just like you do. Their urine and feces are called mycotoxins, which are very poisonous to humans. Being acids themselves, mycotoxins greatly worsen the acidity caused by an acidic diet and toxic acid emotions. They are spilled into the blood as well as inside cells, where they cause free radical damage to the genetic material of the cell eventually causing cell death. The dead necrotic cells also spill out acid wastes. The blood poisoning results in more cell and tissue poisoning furthering the disturbance of the microzyma triggering morbid forms of yeast, molds and viruses, which disrupts body chemistry causing disease to the systems. So it’s a vicious cycle. One acid condition creates anothet Acidic diet coupled with toxic acid emotions creates an acid pH to the cells. This causes low oxygen levels (hypoxia), which is necessary for keeping back destructive anaerobic microbes and immuno-suppression is the result. Then medical doctors come in and treat the acid condidon with another acid (pharmaceuticals).
Pharmatceuticals Create Acidity, Not Alkalinity
What pharmaceutical drug neutralizes acids and increases pH? NOTHING!!! What pharmaceutical drug addresses nutritional deficiencies, especially alkaline minerals? NOTHING!!! What pharmaceutical drug boosts or enhances the immune system? NOTHING!!! And how could they? They’re poisonous and destructive, not nutritive and constructive. Pharmaceuticals are acid. How can you treat an acid condition with acid? That’s like trying to cure someone who accidentally drank poison with another poison.
The fact is all doctors are drugging the symptoms of acidity (due to toxicities) and drugging the symptoms of nutritional deficiencies. Headaches, nausea, fever, skin rashes, brain fog, severe tiredness, gastric bloating, angina pain and dizziness are the body’s intelligent warning signals of a cellular engine problem due to an acidic pH in an organ or system.
Symptom suppression with “anti” medication is analogous to snipping the wire to a blinking oil light on your car’s dashboard and thinking that you fixed your engine instead of lifting up the hood and putting oil in your engine so the light goes off.
Disease and symptoms are separate entities. Medical science teaches they are one and the same and by killing the symptom you somehow kill the disease. This absurd, twisted pseudo science originated and continues from the germ theory that was perpetrated by Louis Pasteur in the 1930’s and has continued to this day in all medical school training with little to no opposition. This brain-dead mentality of looking at symptoms as the disease has been going on since the indoctrination of medicine seven decades ago. In their ignorance, they’re creating their own business by shoving the disease deeper into a chronic state that will eventually require more radical procedures of butchery and mutilation because they never address the acid state of a patient or the direct cause to disease. God did not make us with surplus body parts.
Often times in today’s world of medicine and pharmaceutical monopoly, scientific proof comes under the titles of who wants it most, how much can you pay and how fast do you need it. Being an independent experiential research scientist myself, it’s blatantly clear that scientists findings are based upon personal philosophies, or who is signing their paycheck, rather than on truly scientific verifiable fact. The religious community has accepted and practiced the teachings of the worldly authorities (government, science, medical, agribusiness, religion, etc.) as truth. As a result, they live in constant violation of almost every fundamental principle of life God established when it comes to nourishing the body/temple and how we should live here on earth.
We blindly accept as fact the medical profession’s teaching as to why we get sick. Then we accept their drugs, chemotherapy, radiation and surgery as the only means of treating the sickness which makes us sicker and exhausts our savings, slowly killing us. Yet, we never question the validity of their teachings. We violate God’s principles by what we feed our bodies and minds and then when they break down, we violate God’s principles again on how we get well. The physician cuts out the body part or poisons the temple with a prescription drug, chemotherapy or radiation instead of reestablishing health to the patient, which is the only way to reverse disease.
So what is defiling our temple bodies? The simple answer is; any substance ingested that is not part of the structure of the human body. Let’s look at the sixth day creation that characterizes what this biochemical machine is made of ... "And the LORD God formed man of the Dust of the Ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life : and man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7)
To verify the scriptures in scientific findings, if you examine a decomposed body buried in the soil for decades you will find the tissue remains truly that of the dust of the ground (soil based elements). So here we have a book written thousands of years ago telling us that the building materials of man are derived from the elements contained in the earth and atmosphere. Science has only recently discovered through lab analysis and graphite furnace what the Bible has been telling us for millennia.
It is clear that man is made up of primarily airborne elements 96% (breath of life), oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen while the remaining elements, about 4%, come from the earth (dust of the ground), potassium, magnesium, calcium, silver, copper, gold, etc. The Bible repeatedly confirms that God used these building materials from the mineral kingdom and atmosphere in making man and these same alkaline elements are necessary for maintaining blood, tissue and cell alkalinity. So in short, sickness and disease are simply our beautiful, God - created bodies reacting to the foreign things we are exposing them to through breathing, eating, drinking and bathing in acidic, toxic substances that damage the cells and immune system through time.
Our God is a God of simplicity not complexity. If anything in this world is built on confusion, chaos and mystery, it is not of the LORD, it is of the evil one. What do you think the medical profession is built on? Confusion, chaos and mystery. They get you to believe that there are 1001 different diseases for economic reasons when there is only one disease — a disease condition to a weak organ or system. This article is based on the simplicity of reversing all disease processes by changing body pH naturally by doing it God’s way as opposed to man’s way, which is short lived and destructive.
The Bible says in Romans 12:2 “Be not conformed to this world” and yet the avenge person in their ignorance has conformed to this world in almost every area that deals with physical life. In disobedience and laziness, we pay an extremely heavy penalty that is the cause of most of the prayer requests in churches.
Pasteur’s Germ Theory Is A Hoax
The adoption by science of Louis Pasteur’s germ theory* as the whole truth, (that germs and pathogens are the direct cause of most disease), without regard to the deep insight of Antoine Bechamp’s microzymian principle, (that the acidic condition of the patient's cellular environment creates disease), marks one of the most dramatic and dynamic turns of events in modern history. This article will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that modern orthodox microbian medicine arose upon scientific error, on the kill mode mindset. Kill the bacteria, kill the virus, kill the fungus, and kill the tumor, which has played a major role in the promotion of illness by the creation of resistant strains of bacteria and the suppression of symptoms, not the reversal of illness.
(*Editor's Note: A theory is not necessarily a fact. It is just a good idea). By
Dr Gary Tunsky